Application Data Page


On this page, you can view a summary of organization information, the budget total, and the CNCS and Grantee shares of that amount. You can also validate the sub application's budget from this page.

Note:  This page is displayed only when you create a new sub application. It is not shown if you review an existing sub application. For this reason, it is recommended that you validate this budget before moving to another page.

Note:  The CNCS Share and Grantee Share must equal the value entered in the Total Amount field.

Note:  Your web browser's popup blocker must be turned off in order for you to enter or validate the budget information section accessible from this page.

Note:  Click Save and close after you have completed editing information in a popup window. This will save the information you have entered and close the popup.  If you close the window without clicking Save and close, the information will not be saved.