Selecting a NOFA

Note:  The Select a NOFA page can not be reached from the Start New menu, located on the left side of each Grant Application page. You can only access it by clicking the Start a New Application ink on the Home page.

Note:  While you are permitted to change an application's NOFA, doing so will delete the application. Therefore, NOFAs should be changed only as a last resort, and after you have copied all information to be saved from that application.

Note:   If you are starting the second or third year of your grant, or if you are a Senior Corps Grantee and are beginning the first year of a three year grant, click view all application/grants, located in the My Grants/Applications menu of the Home page to create a Continuation or a Renewal of your existing application.


Selecting a NOFA:
  1. Open the Select a NOFA page.

  2. Using the dropdown menu, select a Program Area.

  3. Click Go. The page refreshes to display applicable NOFAs.

  4. Using the radio buttons, select a NOFA.

Note:  Once you have made a selection you are free to change your decision, but you cannot undo the selection so that neither option is selected.

  1. Click next, located at the top or bottom of the page. The Applicant Info page opens, displaying the NOFA you selected.