Deleting an Application

Once an application has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Therefore, applications should be deleted only as a last resort, and after you have copied all information to be saved from that application.

Note:  An application cannot be deleted while it has a sub application associated with it. To delete an application, you must first remove its sub application.

Note:   VISTA applications cannot be deleted because the application is automatically created when the Concept Paper is accepted.


Deleting an Application:
  1. (Optional) Copy any material you wish to save from this application.

  2. Note the App. ID of the record you currently have open.

  3. Open the Home page.

  4. Click view all application/grants, located in the My Grants/Applications menu. The Existing Applications page opens.

  5. Click delete located next to the record you wish to delete. A message appears that reads Delete [Program Name/Program App. ID]?

  6. Confirm that this is the record you wish to delete.

  7. Click OK. The application is deleted.