Adding a New Document

An application may have any number of documents (or none at all) associated with it.


Adding a New Document:
  1. Open the Documents page.

  2. Click add a new, located on the Document Status List menu. A blank document field is added to the bottom of the document list.

  3. Type the name of the document in the blank Document Name field.

  4. Using the dropdown menu, select the Document Status.

  5. Sent: means you have sent or will send the document to CNCS

  6. Not Sent (the default value) means you intend to send the document to CNCS, but have not yet done so

  7.  Not Applicable means the document is not required for this application

  8. Already on file at CNCS means the document is already on file at CNCS

  1. Click Save, located at the top or bottom of the page. The document is added to the list of those associated with this application.